Richard Glass

Richard Glass has over 30 years of experience working with pesticide exposure and application safety. A farmers son, born in County Durham (UK) he worked in Latin America, France and Spain before joining the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food, Central Science Laboratory (CSL) in 1991. During a career at CSL and the Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera) he coordinated EU and EFSA funded projects dealing with many aspects of pesticide exposure, working closely with southern European Member States. He also managed Defra (Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) funded projects dealing with spray drift and bystander/resident exposure, determining both particulate and vapour exposure to pesticides. Recently he has also been involved with collaborative projects developing aggregate and cumulative exposure models, through FP7 projects such as ACROPOLIS, HEROIC and BROWSE. In 2014 he joined Eurofins in the UK to lead their exposure team in designing and conducting exposure studies for the agrochemical industry. He continues to be involved with post graduate training at universities in Latin America and Spain and as a trustee of the Association of Applied Biologists, involved with groups dealing with biopesticides, sustainable agriculture and pesticide application.